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Design Evolution is a knowledge exchange platform recorded on Voice America's Green Talk Network. Listen to the stories behind how successful sustainable strategies have been analyzed and implemented by a diversity of trailblazing designers, scientists, educators, manufacturers and environmental experts. This is a show about the evolution of good design for a sustainable future.
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Show 13 / Healthy, Equitable Cities and Sri Lankan Forest Preservation for Elephants.

Stepping back and looking at the well being of our environment from a wide angle, it’s clear that every living organism’s health and survival is interrelated, from humans beings, to trees, to bees, to… elephants. This is a show about green building development in cities such as New York, and a paper company’s spirited mission to create jobs and preserve a nearby forest inhabited by Elephants in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Jonathan Rose is President of Jonathan Rose Companies, a firm focusing on integrating transportation, housing, environmental and open space policies to create healthy equitable metropolitan regions. Karl Wald, with a background in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, has developed a paper production process for Mr. Ellie Pooh Paper that supports “Project Peace Paper,” a Sri Lankan conservation program aimed at providing jobs in areas where elephants are being destroyed.

Show 12 / Museum, Exhibition, Print: Leadership and Responsibility.

Graphic Design models for sustainable & social responsibility. Tim McNeil is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Design and Director of the Design Museum at the Design Museum at the University of California, Davis. He is the faculty director for courses in exhibition planning and design, and as Design Museum Director, is responsible for its ongoing exhibitions program. In addition, Tim is principal of Muniz/McNeil, a multi-disciplinary design and research practice whose recent projects include the design and renovation of the EcoCenter at San Francisco Environment. Jessi Arrington is co-founder and creative director at WORKSHOP, a 5-person graphic design team specializing in brand, print and web design. Founded in 2005, WORKSHOP's goal is to work with clients who share their mission of doing right by people and the planet. WORKSHOP strives to present eco-conscious alternatives to their clients who, Jessi proudly reports, are almost always willing to put their money where their ideals are.

Show 11 / Sustainable Production, Manufacturing, and Craft.

A close examination of green product manufacturing processes and the art of conscientiously hand crafted products. Monica Becker has spent the last 20 years guiding companies through green transformation of their products and manufacturing processes and advising government agencies on policies to promote green product design and manufacturing. Ms. Becker, currently working as a private consultant, is a Fellow of the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production and an Advisor to Green Depot, a green retailer based in New York City. Amy Shaw is a writer, blogger, and curator in Brooklyn, NY, and committed to craft, sustainability, and conscientious living. She ran the gallery and shop Greenjeans from 2005-2009, and continues to find the craft world a fertile place for putting her ideals and values into action.

Show 10 / Design Impact on Contemporary Culture and the SMaRT Green Rating System.

What does "Green" mean? How is the value of design being redefined and measured? Allan Chochinov is a partner of Core77, writes and lectures widely on the impact of design on contemporary culture, and teaches in the Graduate Departments of Pratt Institute and the School of Visual Arts. Mike Italiano, from the Institute for Market Transformation to Sustainability representSMaRT, a green rating system for products, fabric, apparel, textile & flooring based on environmental, social, & economic criteria.

Show 9 / Biomimicry and Inspired Discussions about Waste.

Janine Benyus's evolving practice of Biomimicry, and Gensler's exhibit to highlight the opportunities and responsibilities that today’s designers have to plan for tomorrow. Ms Benyus is a natural sciences writer, innovation consultant, and author of six books, including Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. In Biomimicry, she names an emerging discipline that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature's designs and processes (e.g., solar cells that mimic leaves, agriculture that models a prairie, businesses that run like redwood forests). Jeff Barber is a Principal and Managing Director at Gensler. As a leader of Gensler’s Global Sustainable Design Task force, he has led the design of many of Gensler’s foremost projects focusing on environmental stewardship. Ehren Gaag, a Senior Associate and Project Architect at Gensler, has introduced new and innovative methods to deal with the changing landscape of the corporate office to a more open and collaborative structure. Specifically, we'll discuss the NeoCon East Green Exhibit Gensler designed for Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc. Josh Berta guest hosts.

Show 8 / Environmental Graphic Design: Education, Fabrication and Design.

We'll look at the EGD process from 3 different points of view: Design, Education, and Fabrication. Craig Berger is the Society for Environmental Graphic Design's Director of Education & Professional Training. Craig was instrumental in creating the "SEGD Green Paper: Best Practices, Strategies, and Scenarios for Sustainability in Environmental Graphic Design". Mike Santos is Director of Sales and Product Development for Nova Polymers Inc, a manufacturer and distributor of architectural signage materials. Mike is currently part of SEGD's Green Committee, and the author of The Green Resource Guide Blog. Christopher Dina, from Two Twelve Associates, is a graphic designer mindful of the designer's role in promoting sustainability. Chris has worked on projects such as Scenic Hudson Parks, in which reclaimed timber and limited hardware were used for exterior entry signs & park kiosks.

Show 7 / Architecture: Zero energy buildings, and sustainable strategies for building materials.

Biologically sensitive development, integrated wind turbines, algae based biofuels, biomemedic design, healthier indoor environments, and recycled materials are a few examples of what we'll be covering. Chris Garvin serves as a project lead for many of Terrapin Bright Green’s consulting engagements while also managing projects for Cook+Fox Architects. Chris's interests include high-performance design at both the building and community scale, zero energy communities, biomimicry, and water conservation. Anthony Brower develops and manages project-specific, practical, and appropriate strategies for green building design. Anthonyis also an educator for internal Gensler sustainable design and LEED training sessions, and works extensively with the USGBC LEED Green Building Rating System for multiple projects nationally and internationally.

Show 6 / Sustainable Culture, Eco Adventure Travel, and Unbuild Design / Construction. Consider how we eat, what we play, and where we live.

Emilie Baltz is an internationally featured designer and artist with extensive brand strategy experience. Baltz's innovative approach is grounded in storytelling and fueled by a belief that mythology creates sustainable culture. Most recently, Emilie designed the first sustainable food kiosk in The Battery Conservancy of the NewYork City Park's Department. Andrew Held and Corey Carthew are from Eco Trippin' an eco/adventure travel show using outdoor sports to highlight environmental issues impacting our world. Andrew Held is founder of UnBuild in Colorado. Corey has roots in Natural Resource Management and Biological Conservation in upstate New York.

Show 5 / Theory, Practice, and the Transparent Inclusion of Sustainable Design. Green strategies applied to Graphic Design and Lighting explained.

Green strategies applied to Graphic Design and Lighting explained. Brian Dougherty is a partner at Celery Design Collaborative and a recognized leader in the field of sustainable design. Brian develops brand strategies and directs conceptual development of print graphics, packaging and websites at Celery's Berkeley studio. He is on the founding board of advisors for the AIGA Center for Sustainable Design and is the author of Green Graphic Design from Allworth Press. David Bergman runs a multidisciplinary design studio encompassing an architectural practice and Fire & Water, a designer/manufacturer of lighting. The design approach emphasizes the transparent inclusion of sustainable/eco design principles to architecture, interiors and product design. He frequently lectures on topics of sustainable design and teaches at Parsons School of Design.

Show 4 / Motivation: Graphic design as a tool to promote sustainable consumption, and architectural design made possible by a program to support sustainable work environments for non-profits.

Three designers making a difference discuss their work and objectives. Arvi Raquel-Santos created the initiative Design That Cares based on his experience with Project M, a program designed to inspire designers to show that their work can have a positive and significant impact on society. Jeremy Mende is the Principal and Creative Director of Mende Design and contributor to 1%, a program of public architecture, connecting nonprofits with architecture and design firms willing to give of their time pro bono. Nancy Turkle of Nancy Turkle Design has combined her graphic design skills with her passion for social justice, ecological education and sustainability for 25+ years working with public agencies such as state and municipal governments, school systems, public libraries, recycling facilities, and environmental and sustainability non-profits.

Show 3 / Fashion: Funkified vintage, elegant simplicity, and the white “canvas” of a t-shirt.

Three approaches to style with a common thread; solutions for a healthier environment. Bridgett Fernandez from B. Artise originals and author of "Born Again Vintage", is showing consumers how to turn everyday vintage pieces into contemporary but funky outfits. Zoica Matei Slow Fashion strives for making one look good, while feeling good and inspiring others. Rachel Alintoff of Batya Organics combines images of animals, beautiful landscapes, flowers and birds with sustainable farming techniques for her toddler line of t-shirts. Join us for a look at how these designers have responded to a market that is often based on a rush to discard the old and buy new. We'll cover new green strategies based on well made clothing built to last, recycled content, fair trade and production processes, organic cotton, and eco-packaging. Pamela Paul guest hosts.

Show 2 / Urban Ecology and Forest Gardening: What really makes a city "green" and home scale gardens that mimic forest ecosystems.

Large scale urban cityscapes, and small scale suburban landscapes each call for their own set of sustainable strategies. Rachel Gruzen is an environmental consultant to architecture firms and environmental non-profits on issues of urban ecology, environmental design and ecosystem management. Tricia Martin, LEED AP is a designer who works with the public, non-profit, and private sectors on a variety of projects types including residential design, post-industrial waterfronts, green roofs, and inner city parklands.Ethan Roland is a permaculture designer, teacher, and researcher practicing regenerative design for home scale gardens that grow food, fuel, fiber, fodder, fertilizer, and "farmaceuticals." Tune in for a discussion on sustainable solutions for two sides of the same coin; cityscapes and landscapes. Pamela Paul guest hosts.

Show 1 / Find out what Greenwashing is, how it can backfire, and how some truly innovative green companies have established authenticity.
Naomi Pearson, the host of Design Evolution, is an Environmental Graphic Designer with a passion for sustainable design strategies. With guest host Pamela Paul, a Designer, Crafter, and Green Guru, we'll be talking with Phillip Davis who is President of Tungsten Branding. Phillip guides his clients through an exercise of introspection before determining a brand name that reflects the client's level of commitment to the environment. We'll also talk about what happens to companies who appear to lack authenticity, and slip backwards into the murky realm of greenwashing.

© 2013 Naomi Pearson - Sustainable Graphic Design Strategy and Consulting